I suppose the only downside to it is that I was planning on going to Sweden starting in late May. I've had to cancel that because I can't start a new job, then go away for a week so soon. Never mind, I'll definitely try that next year. I might go away for a few days somewhere, we'll get easter out of the way first though.
As my new job is in Stafford I thought I'd take a drive over there today. Firstly to take a photo of my new workplace to show family and friends. Then a look round Doxey Marshes.
As urban natures reserves go, I think Doxey is pretty good. It's certainly an island of green, being surrounded by housing, retail parks, the west coast main line and the M6!
It has it's moments for rare birds as well. In particular the River Warbler back in 1996! I've seen Spotted Crake and Red-Necked Phalarope in the past as well, not the Purple Heron though. But anyway:
8 Goosander
8 Redshank
1 Snipe
19 Fieldfare
2 Redwing
1 Buzzard
1 Great Spotted Woodpecker
The water level looks ideal for waders at the moment. Plenty of Teal around also.
Hi Richard, sorry to hear about your job but good news you found something else so soon plus a potential new local patch! :)
Thanks Kay. The last job was a shame, but my new one is nearer to home, and more money. Doxey will be definitely worth keeping an eye on.
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