Now complete with a new wheel on my car. The Wood Sandpiper remained at Uttoxeter Quarry throughout the weekend, along with varying numbers of Green Sandpipers.

Saturday 17th July.
As the Franklin's Gull at Chasewater was going missing during the day, for a couple of days now into it's stay, I was thinking to myself "hmm, I wonder if it's been getting to Stubber's Green?". So that's where I went on Saturday afternoon, and to my surprise the Blurred Birder was there. Great minds thinking alike you see.
Well, there was no Franklin's Gull at Stubbers. Just the usual Blackheads, Lesser Black-backeds and a few Herring Gulls, along with a Common Tern and Common Sandpiper. Onto Chasewater then, where a couple of birders there had just refound the Franklin's Gull.
Most of the time the bird was sat on a gravel bank in the centre of the reservoir, but interestingly it was associating with the Lesser Black-backed and a few Yellow-legged Gulls. But unfortunately, digiscoping wise, even more distant than on Thursday evening. There was also a first-summer Med Gull flying over the boating lake next to the education centre.
Just a picture here, to illustrate how low the water level currently is at Chasewater, due to the construction work on the dam.

Sunday 18th July.
A most pleasing selection of birds at Blithfield today. In Tad Bay a pair of Whimbrel flew through, as well as a Greenshank, a most unseasonal Pintail, 1 Snipe, 1 Dunlin, 1 Ringed Plover, 7 Little Ringed Plover and 9 Common Terns.

Blithe Bay was even better, with such delights as a Turnstone, another Greenshank, adult Yellow-legged and Med Gulls, Little Egret, 1 Common Sandpiper, 6 Dunlin, 5 Ringed Plover and 5 Little Ringed Plover. Great stuff.